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228 publications

Seed quality assurance in Northern Ireland

Published 20 February 2017Support Material

Candidate Information Pack (Director of SAFSD)

Published 07 February 2017Support Material

Candidate Information Pack (Director of FCAD)

Published 27 January 2017Support Material

Whiting fact sheet

Published 14 December 2016Support Material

Cod fact sheet

Published 14 December 2016Support Material

Haddock fact sheet

Published 14 December 2016Support Material

Herring fact sheet

Published 14 December 2016Support Material

Nephrops fact sheet

Published 14 December 2016Support Material

Plaice fact sheet

Published 14 December 2016Support Material

Sole fact sheet

Published 14 December 2016Support Material

Annual Report Milk NRL 2015-16

Published 27 June 2016Support Material

Postgraduate seminar 2016

Published 15 June 2016Agendas and minutesSupport Material

SC2 Index 2017 (May16)

Published 09 June 2016Support Material

Overview of Horizon 2020 and Supports – Caroline Barry

Published 09 June 2016Support Material

Bio-based Economy - Patrick Barrett

Published 09 June 2016Support Material

Rural Renaissance - Patrick Barrett

Published 09 June 2016Support Material

Sustainable Food Security - Elaine Groom

Published 09 June 2016Support Material