RePhoKUs Report (Oct 2020)

Date published: 02 October 2020

Part of: Nutrient Management

The aim of RePhoKUs is to enhance the re­silience and sustainability of the UK food system by developing and prioritising adap­tive strategies that reduce the vulnerability of UK farming to future P scarcity at multiple scales, and that enhance the balanced deliv­ery of multiple ecosystem systems for future food and water security


RePhoKUs report partners and funders

The project combines different biophysical, social and economic approach­es to examine the synergies and conflicts arising from how P is currently distributed within the food system to stimulate discus­sion and provide evidence for potential pol­icy approaches.

The project involves an ex­tensive stakeholder engagement process at farm, catchment and national scale. In addi­tion to the P SFA for NI, key outputs from the project will include (1) a national strategy to reduce the vulnerability of the food system to shocks and stress due to P availability or price fluctuations. (2) P SFA of the UK food system and the regional imbalance between P demand and supply, (3) assessment of catchments for their vulnerability to P loss to water and options for more sustainable P management (4) economic optimisation model highlighting the impact of sustainable P management on farm profitability.

The project is a collaboration between Lan­caster University, AFBI, Leeds University, University of Technology Sydney, and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and is funded by the Global Food Security’s ‘Resilience of the UK Food System Programme’ with the UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Science Re­search Council (BBSRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Scottish Government.

More information at:

The purpose of this report is to present the results from the Phosphorus (P) Substance Flow Analysis (SFA), and stakeholder engagement process carried out in Northern Ireland as part of the Rephokus project