Analysis of the impact of the CAP health check on agriculture in Northern Ireland

Date published: 01 September 2008

This paper presents the results of analyses of the proposed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Health Check reforms on agriculture in Northern Ireland (NI) based on the FAPRI-UK modelling system.


What is the CAP health check?

The health check is a review of the 2003  CAP reforms and entails adjustments for the 2009 to 2012 period.  Draft legislative proposals for the health check were released by the European Commission in May.  This papers considers the main elements of these proposals using a partial equilibrium framework.


  • Joan Moss, Myles Patton, Lichun Zhang and In Seck Kim (Queen's University Belfast & Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute).
  • Julian Binfield and Patrick Westhoff (FAPRI, University of Missouri).