This new Corporate Plan 2023-2027 sets out an ambitious and forward-looking vision of what AFBI through our science programmes aims to deliver over the next four-year period along with the continued investment that is so necessary in our infrastructure and systems. The plan builds on the achievements of the last Corporate Plan but reflects a changing external environment, changes in governmental and societal priorities, and changes in the opportunities and challenges ahead for the organisation.

AFBI science is critical to Northern Ireland’s long term economic and environmental sustainability, contributing to the protection of our terrestrial and marine environments, leading improvements in our agrifood systems, helping protect animal and plant health, and ensuring the safety of the food that we eat. By delivering essential statutory testing, monitoring and surveillance programmes, research and development work as well as emergency response capability and expert scientific advice, AFBI scientists enable the NI agri-food industry to market products nationally and internationally while ensuring long term environmental sustainability, from soil to sea. The science is critical to the work of our sponsoring department DAERA and contributes significantly to the overall achievement of the NI Executive’s programme for government.