Project: Factors affecting pig production efficiency

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Project: Factors affecting pig production efficiency

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To examine the effect of management systems and genetics on the efficiency of production and meat quality of growing pigs.

Journal articles

Magowan, E. , McCann, M.E.E. , Beattie, V. E. , McCracken, K. J. , Henry, W. , Smyth, S. , Bradford, R. , Gordon, F. J. , Mayne, C. S. (2007). Investigation of growth rate variation between commerical pig herds. Animal, 1:1219-1226

McCann, M.E.E. , McCracken, K. J. , Agnew, R. E. (2006). The use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for prediction of the nutritive value of barley for growing pigs. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 45:187-195

Magowan, E. , McCann, M.E.E. (2006). A comparison of pig backfat measuremnets using ultrasonic and optical instruments. Livestock Science, 103(1-2):116-123

McCann, M.E.E. , McEvoy, J. D. G. , McCracken, K. J. , Simmins, P. H. (2005). Effect of variety, endosperm hardness, the 1B/1R gene and enzyme addition on the nutritive value of wheat for growing pigs. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 45:173-185

O'Connell, N. E. , Beattie, V. E. , Weatherup, R. N. (2004). Influence of group size during the post-weaning period on the performance and behaviour of pigs. Livestock Production Science, 86(1-3):225-232

Beattie, V. E. , Nonis, M. K. , McCann, M.E.E. (2003). in litter live-weight at weaning to feed intake in lactation. Irish Grassland and Animal Production Association (29th Research Meeting), Not Specified:10-10

O'Connell, N. E. , Beattie, V. E. , Weatherup, R. N. (2002). Influence of feeder type on the performance and behaviour of weaned pigs. Livestock Production Science, 74(1):13-17

Knowledge Transfer

McCann, M.E.E. (2007). Pigs can thrive on lower phosphorus diets. Sciential, Newsletter of the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute

Magowan, E. (2005). Slow Coaches Cost. PR article, published in journals e.g. Pig World, Nov 2005

Magowan, E. (2005). Chalk and cheese in the same herd. PR article for local farming press, Nov. 2005

Magowan, E. (2005). 18 Extra days to finish. PR article Oct 2005

Magowan, E. (2005). Variation in the growth potential of pigs. PR article, Oct 2005

McCann, M.E.E. (2005). Choice of wheat variety. Farming Life, 24 Septmeber

Magowan, E. (2005). Variation in growth performance of pigs in Northern Ireland. Article for Pig Newsletter, Joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, June 2005

Magowan, E. , Watt, D. (2004). Gilt Management. Article for Pig Newsletter, Joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, October 2004

McCann, M.E.E. , Hawe, M. (2004). Northern Ireland Pig Event - The perfect pig. Farming Life, October 2004

McCann, M.E.E. (2004). Northern Ireland Pig Event 2004 - addressing environmental issues. Farming Life, October 2004

McCann, M.E.E. (2004). 2004 Northern Ireland Pig Event. Farming Life, September 2004

Magowan, E. (2004). The evaluation of ultrasoninc instruments used to meausre the depth of backfat in pigs. Paper presented and published at an ARINI pig seminar - Advances in Pig Research, ARINI Occasional Publication No. 33, June 2004

McCann, M.E.E. (2004). Choice of individual sire is more important than breed choice. Pig Newsletter, Joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, June 2004

McCann, M.E.E. (2004). The effect of sire type on pig meat quality. DARD Meat Quality Newsletter, June 2004

Magowan, E. , McCann, M.E.E. (2004). Producing Leaner Pork - New Research Highlights The Potential Of Ultrasonic assessments. Article for Pig Newsletter (joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, April 2004

Magowan, E. , McCann, M.E.E. (2003). The use of phytase in finishing pig diets. Pig Newsletter, Joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, December 2003

McCann, M.E.E. (2003). The effect of wheat variety on performance of growing pigs. Pig Newsletter, joint ARINI and Greenmont publication, August 2003

McCann, M.E.E. (2003). Spring barley tops for pig diets. Farming Life, 14 June 2003

McCann, M.E.E. (2003). Variation in carcase weight. Pig Newsletter, joint ARINI and Greenmont publication, April 2003

McCann, M.E.E. (2002). Determining the feed value of barley for growing pigs. Farmweek, 29th Novemebr 2002

O'Connell, N. E. (2002). Additional wet feed for weaners. Pig Newsletter (Issue 4), joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, August 2002.

McCann, M.E.E. (2002). Increasing carcase weight. Pig Newsletter (Issue 4), joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, August 2002.

Beattie, V. E. , McCann, M.E.E. (2002). Pig carcass quality and breed type. Pig Newsletter, joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, February 2002

Beattie, V. E. (2001). Pig research seminar held at Hillsborough. Farming Life, 15 December 2001.

O'Connell, N. E. , Beattie, V. E. , Weatherup, R. N. (2001). Management of weaned pigs. In: Optimising Pig Productivity and Welfare. Proceedings of a seminar held at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, 28 Nov 2001. Occasional Publication No. 30, pp 37-57.

Beattie, V. E. , Burrows, M. S. , Weatherup, R. N. (2001). Effect of sire-type on production performance and carcass quality. In: Optimising Pig Productivity and Welfare. Proceedings of a seminar held at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, 28 Nov 2001. Occasional Publication No. 30, pp 59-86.

Beattie, V. E. , Burrows, M. S. (2001). Hillsborough investigate pig carcase quality of different sire types. Farming Life, 27 October 2001.

Beattie, V. E. , O'Connell, N. E. (2001). Optimum group size for weaned pigs. Pig Newsletter (Issue 2), joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, August 2001.

Beattie, V. E. , O'Connell, N. E. (2001). Big groups for weaners. Farming Life, 3 March 2001.

Beattie, V. E. , O'Connell, N. E. (2001). Which feeder for weaned pigs?. Pig Newsletter (Issue 1), joint ARINI and Greenmount publication, January 2001

Beattie, V. E. (2000). Pig research can help cut costs. Farming Life, 19 Feb 2000

Beattie, V. E. (1999). Feeders for weaners investigated at Hillsborough. Farming Life, 18 September 1999

O'Connell, N. E. , Beattie, V. E. , Weatherup, R. N. (1999). Feeder choice for weaned pigs. Pig Production and Welfare Research, Proceedings of a seminar held at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, pp 5-20


McCann, M.E.E. (2007). Making best use of high cost cereals for pig production. Pig Research - An Integrated Approach. Proceedings of a seminar held at AFBI Hillsborough, 8th November 2007.

McCann, M.E.E. (2007). Review of Research Paper. Review of Research Paper submitted to Research in Veterinary Science.

McCann, M.E.E. (2004). Studies on the nutritive value of wheat for growing pigs. A Report Prepared for Danisco Animal Nutrition, November 2004.

McCann, M.E.E. (2004). Various articles. Proceedings of the Northern Ireland Pig Event held at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, Occasional Publication No. 35.

O'Connell, N. E. , Beattie, V. E. , Watt, D. (2004). Strategies for reducing within-group variation in slaughter weight of pigs. Report prepared for PPDC and UFU Pigs Committees, June 2004.

McCann, M.E.E. , Magowan, E. , O'Connell, N. E. (2004). The effect of feeder type and change on pig performance and behaviour. Contract research report prepared for PPDC and UFU Pigs Committees, June 2004.

McCann, M.E.E. , Magowan, E. , O'Connell, N. E. (2004). The effect of feeder type and change on pig performance and behaviour. Proceedings of a seminar held at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland, Occasional Publication No. 33, pp 3-14.

Magowan, E. , McCann, M.E.E. (2004). The evaluation of ultrasonic instruments used to measure the depth of backfat at P2 in live pigs. Report prepared for PPDC/UFU committee.

McCann, M.E.E. , Beattie, V. E. (2004). The effects of sire type on reproduction, production performance and carcass quality of pigs. Report prepared for PPDC and UFU Pigs Committees.

McCann, M.E.E. , Watt, D. (2002). Evaluation of ultrasonic instruments used to measure the depth of backfat in live pigs. Report for UFU and PPDC, May 2002.

Beattie, V. E. (2001). Evaluation of a feed ingredient in weaner diets. Report for Devenish Nutrition Ltd.

Beattie, V. E. , McCracken, K. J. (2001). The effect of seaweed on nutrient uptake in growing pigs. Report for Glenside Fertility Farming Ltd and Gortavoy Feeds.

O'Connell, N. E. , Beattie, V. E. , Weatherup, R. N. (2001). An investigation into the influence of group size on the performance and behaviour of weaned pigs. Report for UFU and PPDC, June 2001.

Burrows, M. S. , Beattie, V. E. (2001). The effects of sire type upon carcass quality. Report for UFU and PPDC, June 2001.

Watt, D. , Beattie, V. E. (2000). Three-weekly Batch Production at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland. Technical booklet on three week batch production.