Distinctness, uniformity and stability trials (DUST) software

Area of Expertise:

DUST is a computer program which helps manage and analyse data from Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) variety trials for cross-pollinating crops such as herbage and vegetable crops. Use of the program enables decisions to be made on whether new varieties of the crop are uniform, stable and distinct from established varieties.

DUST software

DUST is a computer program which helps manage and analyse data from Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) variety trials for cross-pollinating crops such as herbage and vegetable crops. Use of the program enables decisions to be made on whether new varieties of the crop are uniform, stable and distinct from established varieties.

The program has been produced by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) with some additional funding from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

To download the DUST software it is necessary to register. Once registered, an e-mail will be sent supplying a username and password (this may take a few hours).

Note 1: to run, the DUST software requires the comdlg32.ocx library file appropriate to your operating system to be both present and registered on your computer.  If it is not, you will get a Run-time error '339' when you run the DUST software.  Use this link to obtain and register the .ocx file.

Note 2: If you seek to run the DUST software on a 64 bit PC, please contact the link below:

For more information contact afbi.analytics@afbini.gov.uk