FAPRI-UK 2012 Baseline Projections (December 2012) : Excel figures

Date published: 01 December 2012

Baseline agricultural 10 year projections for each UK region (December 2012) :FAPRI-UK 2012


FAPRI-UK 2012 Baseline Projections for each UK region (December 2012)

The projections are based on average weather conditions, specific policies, macroeconomic assumptions, global commodity prices and oil prices. Consequently, these projections must not be treated as a forecasts.  Rather, the Baseline projections are used as a benchmark for scenario analysis.

Policies included within the 2012 Baseline: Health Check Reforms (including phased increases of milk quotas, followed by abolition in 2015) and Uruguay Round Trade Rules.
Note the livestock numbers refer to end of the year figures, i.e. December.

Underlying the greenhouse gas emission projections it is assumed that current management practices continue - i.e. they do not incorporate mitigation strategies.