Public Appointment Vacancies - Deputy Chair and up to 18 members of the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) Board

Date published: 06 February 2025

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is seeking to appoint a Deputy Chair and up to 18 Members to the Board of the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI).

AFBI is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by DAERA.

AFBI is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by DAERA.

AFBI provides scientific research and services in the fields of agriculture, food, the marine and natural environment and biosciences.

For more information about AFBI, visit

About the Public Appointments Process

The links below provide further information on the public appointments process:

You may also be interested in registering for a free workshop on the public appointments process being offered by CPANI.

More information about this competition and about public appointments in general is available from the NI Direct website

Time Commitment and Remuneration

The total time commitment for the Deputy Chair of the AFBI Board is 20 days per annum and is remunerated at £12,289 per annum (under review). The time commitment for the Member position requires approximately 20 days per annum and is remunerated at £436 per day (under review).

Terms of Appointment

It is anticipated successful candidates will be appointed for a three-year period by 1 June 2025.

Closing Date

Completed applications must be returned to the Department by 12 Noon on Thursday 6 March 2025.

Equality of Opportunity

DAERA is committed to the principle of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. DAERA is committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes applications regardless of gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants. Since women, young people, people from minority ethnic groups and people with disabilities are currently under-represented on the AFBI Board, applications from these groups would be particularly welcome.

Important informationThese appointments are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland (CPANI). The Commissioner’s role is to regulate, monitor, report and advise on the way in which Ministers make appointments to the Boards of many public bodies in Northern Ireland.

How to Apply

A merit-based process will be applied alongside the Guaranteed Interview Scheme for applicants with a disability for these positions.

Applicants will be expected to complete an application form demonstrating how they meet the essential criteria for appointment.

To apply please download the documents linked below:

An application pack and further information is available by contacting:

DAERA’s Public Appointments Unit,
Jubilee House,
111 Ballykelly Road,
BT49 9HP

Tel: 028 7744 2025

This material will also be made available, on request, in other formats such as Braille, large print, audio, etc. All reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate the needs of applicants/candidates with a disability.

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Notes to editors: 

AFBI is an arms-length body of DAERA delivering research and development, diagnostic and analytical testing, emergency response capability and expert scientific advice for DAERA and other government departments, public bodies and commercial companies in Northern Ireland, and further afield.

AFBI’s Vision is “Scientific excellence delivering impactful and sustainable outcomes for society, economy and the natural environment”.

AFBI’s Purpose is to deliver trusted, independent research, statutory & surveillance science, and expert advice that addresses local and global challenges, informs government policy and industry decision making, and underpins a sustainable agri-food industry and the natural and marine environments.

AFBI’s strategic priorities:

  • Leading improvements in the agri-food industry to enhance its sustainability;
  • Protecting animal, plant and human health;
  • Enhancing the natural and marine environment;
  • Delivering quality outcomes and impact;
  • Enabling world class science through excellence in people, places & technology.

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