AFBI Celebrating World Rivers Day 2022

It is World Rivers Day on 25 September 2022


The brown trout is a keystone species within our local waterways with an extensive distribution through-out Northern Ireland.

Trout are incredibly diverse, highly adaptable and able to occupy streams, rivers, lakes and even coastal waters.

In recent years AFBI have conducted a number of studies on this iconic fish, using novel research techniques such as acoustic telemetry to investigate the migration, behaviour and survival of local stocks. AFBI have published a number of scientific papers on Northern Irish trout populations inclusive of some interesting new information. For example tracking work has shown that a large proportion of juvenile trout in Lough Neagh will often migrate from their natal river to the lake in the autumn, rather than the spring as had been previously assumed.

Other work on sea migrating trout in Co Down rivers has indicated that some individuals can migrate long distances (>100km) away from their home river, sometimes even visiting different coastal catchments, before returning to their natal stream to spawn.

Recent AFBI Trout Research Papers

Kennedy, R. J., Barry, J., Roche, W., Rosell, R. & Allen, M. (2022). In-river behaviour and freshwater return rates of sea trout, Salmo trutta L., from two coastal river populations. Journal of Fish Biology

McGlade, C.L.O., Dickey, J.W.E., Kennedy, R.J., Donnelly, S., Nelson, C., Dick, J. & Arnott, G. (2022). Behavioural traits of rainbow trout and brown trout may help explain their differing invasion success and impacts. Science Reports 12, 1757.

Kennedy, R. J., Rosell, R. & Allen, M. (2022). Investigating the phenology of juvenile potamodromous brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in two large lake catchments. Journal of Fish Biology, 100, 697– 704.

Kennedy, R.J., Rosell, R., McElarney, Y., M. Allen & Gallagher, K. (2021). Long-term abundance patterns of potamodromous brown trout in a large lacustrine catchment in County Fermanagh. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 121b, 133-145.

Kennedy, R.J., Rosell, R. & Allen, M.M.  (2021). Some observations on the behaviour of lake-dwelling brown trout in Lower Lough Erne. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 121B, 1-8.

Kennedy, R.J. & Rosell, R. (2020) Does rod catch reflect the background size structure of the sea trout stock in a small coastal river? Fisheries Management & Ecology, 28, 167– 171.