They are being equipped with the latest oceanographic sensors, acoustic recorders and advanced fish tracking technology.

COMPASS researchers are developing long-term monitoring strategies for highly mobile protected species such as marine mammals and salmonids. It is also providing essential infrastructure for baseline oceanographic and ambient noise monitoring.
This work will help us deliver three truly regional scale environmental models, designed to support the management of a cross-border MPA network.
Project Partners

- Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute,
- Marine Institute,
- Inland Fisheries Ireland,
- Scottish Association for Marine Science and
- Marine Science Scotland.
COMPASS is coordinated by AFBI.
Project Funding

Match funding has been provided by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland and the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government in Ireland.
Project Website
This project has its own dedicated website:
Compass Case Studies
Look on the Special EU Programmes Body website
to view the Compass Project Case Studies