To aid farmers and vets to control respiratory disease AFBI is now offering PCR testing for all the major respiratory disease viruses in cattle
In Northern Ireland, the arrival of the winter months often sees a spike in respiratory disease among the cattle population, precipitated by stress of housing and mixing of animals, with young animals at greatest risk of serious disease. Respiratory disease is estimated to cost the UK cattle industry £80 million annually. An accurate diagnosis of the cause(s) of respiratory disease is essential so that the correct treatments are given and that steps can be taken to prevent future disease using appropriate vaccines. To aid farmers and vets to control respiratory disease AFBI is now offering PCR testing for all the major respiratory disease viruses in cattle - Bovine Respiratory Syncytial virus (BRSV), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) and Parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI3). These viruses can cause disease by themselves or damage the defense mechanisms of the respiratory tract and predispose to secondary bacterial infections of the lungs.