A range of qualitative methods have been applied. They include,
- Interviews
- Focus Groups
- Surveys
Related Projects
- Sustainability of the Northern Ireland Nephrops Fishing Fleet – an analysis of the balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities
- Up-skilling within the Northern Ireland farming sector. An assessment of the effectiveness of alternative models for delivering training and life-long learning within the Northern Ireland agriculture sector
- An assessment of the impact of government support measures in encouraging entrepreneurship, business innovation and diversification at the farm level
- Development of an Evaluation Framework to Facilitate Future Longitudinal Evaluation of Business Development Group Programme Impacts on Farm Performance
- Barriers to new entrants to farming
- Developing More Effective Rural Proofing and Rural Champion Models
- Development of the food processing sector in Northern Ireland
- Policy options to improve rural household income and employment growth
External Project
- Walsh Fellowship with Newcastle University and Teagasc: Brexit and Land-Use on the Island of Ireland- Exploring the Potential Impacts of North-South Policy Divergence, Economic Conditions, and Social Factors on Active and Passive Ecosystem Service Provision in Agriculture