AFBI scientists key role in mapping the seabed of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland

Date published: 09 January 2014

Recently the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and six partner organisations hosted the close out meeting of the Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland Hydrographic Survey (INIS Hydro) project at the Belfast Titanic Building. Over 50 delegates attended from stakeholder organisations around the UK.

The INIS Project team

INIS Hydro, which received £3.2 million from the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Programme, produced a standardised hydrographic survey specification and accurate high-resolution bathymetric datasets for seven important seabed areas to the east of Ireland/Northern Ireland and off the west coast of Scotland.  A total of 1400 km2 was surveyed by the partner organisation’s research vessels fitted with multi-beam sonar technology.

To deliver this project the MCA teamed up with the Agri-food and Biosciences Institute Northern Ireland, the Geological Survey of Ireland, the Irish Marine Institute, the Scottish Association for Marine Science, the Northern Lighthouse Board and the UK Hydrographic Office.
INIS Hydro follows on from the successful European Union funded Joint Irish Bathymetric Survey (JIBS) project and receives some match funding from the MCA, the UK Natural Environment Research Council and the Northern Lighthouse Board.

Professor Laurence Mee (Scottish Association of Marine Sciences) unveiling the permanent display board in the Titanic Builiding.
Professor Laurence Mee (Scottish Association of Marine Sciences) unveiling the permanent display board in the Titanic Builiding.
High-quality bathymetric information is essential for producing accurate navigational charts and for the effective management and conservation of the marine environment. Despite recent technological advances in high-resolution seabed mapping, some 'current' nautical charts still include data from the mid 19th century when depth was measured by lowering lead lines to the seabed at wide intervals.
James Strong (AFBI Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems Branch) and Michelle O’Neill (Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development NI) pictured in front of the DARD FPV Banrion Ulladh which was used during the survey.
James Strong (AFBI Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems Branch) and Michelle O’Neill (Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development NI) pictured in front of the DARD FPV Banrion Ulladh which was used during the survey.
Delegates were welcomed by the Chief Executive of the Titanic Belfast Tim Husbands before Vice Admiral Sir Alan Massey KCB, CBE Chief Executive of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency set the scene with the keynote speech.
Walter Crozier (Head of AFBI Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems Branch), Seamus Kennedy (AFBI CEO), Laurence Mee (SAMS) and Andre Coccucio (MCA INIS Project Head).
Walter Crozier (Head of AFBI Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems Branch), Seamus Kennedy (AFBI CEO), Laurence Mee (SAMS) and Andre Coccucio (MCA INIS Project Head).
André Cocuccio, MCA Hydrography Manager and INIS Hydro Project Director, said: "Reliable bathymetric datasets are critical for safe navigation and the effective stewardship of the marine environment.  The INIS Project has successfully coordinated the efforts of organisations with wide range of experience and skills to deliver hydrographic data products of the highest quality.  

Other speakers presented results of the project showing details of the previously un-surveyed seabed below the Corryvreckan Whirlpool in Scotland, the vast number of wrecks discovered and the habitats of Dundrum Bay in Northern Ireland.

INIS Survey areas
INIS Survey areas
Alan McCulla from the Anglo North Fish Producers Organisation discussed the high value the local fishing industry place on accurate seabed maps.
The meeting was closed with a reception and Laurence Mee (Director of the Scottish Association of Marine Science) unveiled a permanent display panel in the display area of the Titanic Building.

Notes to editors: 

AFBI carries out high-quality technology research and development, statutory, analytical, and diagnostic testing functions for DARD and other Government departments, public bodies and commercial companies.

AFBI's Vision is “Scientific excellence in Northern Ireland … serving the world”.

All media enquiries to AFBI Press Office 

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