AFBI promotes grass fed- grass bred at the Balmoral Show 2016

Date published: 28 April 2016

As grass makes up 94% of our agricultural land area and is Northern Ireland’s most important crop, the theme of this year’s AFBI stand is “Grass Bred, Grass Fed”.

AFBI will be conducting a food sensory experiment at Balmoral this year.

For many year's AFBI, in association with its commercial partner Barenbrug, has produced world leading grass varieties with higher yields and increased digestibility. Both of these characteristics are critical for farm productivity, good animal performance, and the development of quality food products from Northern Ireland’s 2,700 dairy farms in order to produce high quality milk for local and export markets.

With that in mind, AFBI will be running a food sensory evaluation study focusing on cheese at the Balmoral Show and invites all visitors to the Show to assist.

AFBI will also be celebrating 10 years’ of scientific excellence by providing complimentary packets of wildflower seeds, with the objective of promoting biodiversity and raising awareness of the plight of pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Members of the public will then be invited to upload photos of their wildflowers (and maybe pollinators!) to AFBI later in the year.

We look forward to welcoming you to the AFBI stand in the government departments’ section of the Eikon building.

Notes to editors: 

AFBI carries out high quality technology research and development, statutory, analytical, and diagnostic testing functions for DARD and other Government departments, public bodies and commercial companies.

AFBI's Vision is “Scientific excellence in Northern Ireland …  serving the world”.

All media enquiries to AFBI Press Office.

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