AFBI invites you to a lunch-time seminar by guest speaker Dr Eva Mockler

Date published: 07 September 2016

Area of Expertise:

The Source Load Apportionment Model (SLAM): A framework to support the identification of appropriate WFD Nutrient Measures will be given by Dr Eva Mockler
Environmental Protection Agency and University College Dublin. The seminar will take place on Thursday 29 September 2016 at 1.30 pm in G5, AFBI Newforge Lane, Belfast


A model for predicting the sources of nutrient loads (phosphorus and nitrogen) to water has been developed to support Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation in the Irish EPA.

This model integrates catchment data and pressure information to enable characterisation of Source-Pathway-Receptor relationships. The Source Load Apportionment Model (SLAM) is a flexible framework for incorporating national data and research to quantify nutrient losses from both point discharges (urban wastewater, industry and septic tank systems) and diffuse sources (pasture, arable, forestry, peatlands etc.).

Hydrogeological controls have a strong impact on nutrient fluxes, particularly in agricultural catchments, and have been incorporated into the diffuse agricultural model, the Catchment CharacterisationTool (CCT).

This talk will describe the SLAM framework, including the CCT, along with the data inputs, assumptions, and results for the Suir catchment.

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