AFBI Disability Action Plan 2017-2021

Date published: 05 June 2018

The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute has reviewed its Disability Action Plan 2017–2021 and a final version of the Action plan is now available.

Under section 49B of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA), public authorities are required to submit disability action plans to the Equality Commission showing how they propose to fulfil the disability duties in relation to their functions.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended by the Disability Discrimination) (Northern Ireland) (Order 2006) requires public authorities, when carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to:

  • promote positive attitudes towards disabled people
  • encourage participation by disabled people in public life

View AFBI's Disability Action Plan 2017-2021.

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