On this page you can find information, videos and links relating to events which took place in 2023. they appear in reverse order, from the latest in the year to the earliest.
RUAS Winter Fair (14 Dec 2023)
AFBI again showcased its science at the 37th Royal Ulster Winter Fair on Thursday 14th December 2023 at Eikon Exhibition Centre, Balmoral Park, Lisburn.
Ruminant Methane Mitigation - The art of the possible in 2030 and beyond (27 Nov 2023)
Riddel Hall, Queen's University Belfast
This Conference was organised jointly by the British Society of Animal Science (BSAS), the Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI), Queen's University Belfast (QUB), Teagasc and Reading University.
A unique blend of speakers representing leaders in the fields of science and legislation from both the UK, Ireland, Europe and New Zealand too part with 200 stakeholders in attendance.
AFBI Soils Conference (26 Oct 2023)
La Mon Hotel and Country Club, Belfast
EVENT WEB PAGE - Agenda and Supporting Booklet available here
Soil health is recognised as underpinning sustainable and resilient farming systems. Over the past number of decades, AFBI’s extensive soil health research programme has integrated with both agricultural productivity and environmental outcomes to deliver important recommendations to both policy makers and industry. The success of the programme has cumulated in DAERA now supporting the world leading Soil Nutrient Health Scheme.
Key topics covered included:
- Policy and Legislation in a UK, EU and Global context
- Research underpinning improvements in Soil Health which support both agricultural productivity and environmental protection
- Soil Health and Nutrient Management monitoring and measuring
Biomass Crops for Integrated land management (28 Sept 2023)
AFBI Hillsborough
Biomass Connect and AFBI recently held an afternoon all about biomass crop cultivation and how biomass crops can be integrated into existing land management systems, for maximum benefit.
IPSAM Conference (26 & 27 June 2023)
Irish Plant Scientists’ Association Meeting (IPSAM) was back up and running in 2023 with a meeting held on 26 and 27 June. AFBI and Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) had the privilege of co-hosting this event which brought plant scientists from all over Ireland together to provide a forum for research postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers presenting their findings to promote their future research careers.
AFBI Grass Open Day - Grass-roots for Resilient Adaptive & Successful Swards (21 June 2023)
AFBI held a major Grass Open Day at AFBI Loughgall on 21st June 2023. The theme focused on how industry can increase the quality, growth and resilience of grazing swards to maximize both profit and environmental sustainability on farm.
Field tours highlighted the latest research on grass varieties and sward mixtures to maximise grass production, potential uses of multi-species and legume-based swards on farm, and how emissions can be reduced through improvements in grass quality. Key updates from the roll-out of the Soil Nutrient Health Scheme in NI, as well as future developments in the GrassCheck grass growth monitoring scheme.
An accompanying information booklet was produced which can be downloaded
Grass Open Day Booklet 2023 (PDF 1.8MB)
George Scott Robertson Memorial Lecture (28 Feb 2023)
We are honoured to welcome Professor Julie Fitzpatrick OBE, FIBiol, FRAgS, MRCVS, FRSE, Director of Moredun Institute and Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland as the Keynote speaker for the 2023 George Scott Robertson Memorial Lecture.
The lecture was entitled 'Livestock science matters for One Health'.
The memorial lecture is jointly hosted by the Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS) at Queen’s University Belfast; the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI); the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA). The event commemorates the achievements of Dr George Scott Robertson who played a key role in promoting agricultural progress in Northern Ireland in the first half of the 20th century.