Events archive 2020

On this page you can find information, videos and links relating to events which took place in 2020. they appear in reverse order, from the latest in the year to the earliest. 

Webinar - “Nutritional solutions to environmental challenges” (30 Oct 2020)

In September 1996 a unique research consortium was formed, when AFBI, John Thompson & Sons and Devenish Nutrition got together to investigate and develop opportunities to improve the efficiency of pig production and to investigate and improve the effect of pig production on the environment. This group has collaborated since 1996 and continues to focus on research projects which will improve the sustainability of the pig industry. A webinar was held on Friday 30th October to present the findings of both scientific and commercial pig research carried out by the consortium and 55 stakeholders took part. The role that pig nutrition has in reducing nitrogen, ammonia and odour emissions was visited.  Read the booklet published to compliment the event.  A recording of the webinar will be available shortly on the AFBI YouTube Channel.

Webinar 3  “Where the land meets the sea - a holistic approach towards the sustainable management of the marine environment and natural resources” by Dr Heather Moore, Dr Adam Mellor and Dr Matthieu Lundy (28 Oct 2020)

Dr Heather Moore is a catchment and aquaculture science expert.  Heather provided an overview of the application of coastal catchment modelling in Northern Ireland. Her talk will also focus on the use of catchment models to manage the full range of ecosystem services supplied by shellfish, and the mitigation of eutrophication impacts.

Dr Adam Mellor is the programme lead for oceanography and limnology science research within AFBI. His presentation outlined the ongoing marine environmental monitoring work undertaken by AFBI and its importance for addressing  key challenges such as climate change, environmental resilience and an ecosystem-based approach to marine resource management.

Dr Mathieu Lundy is programme lead for marine fisheries science research within AFBI. His talk outlined the scientific work underpinning a framework for integrating environmental factors and ecosystem function into fisheries management in the Irish Sea. He will present new advances in ecosystem-based approaches to fishery management and the contribution this is making to national and international policy.

A recording of the webinar can be viewed below:

Webinar 2: “Impacts of the environment, nutrient loading and other human pressures on life in rivers and lakes” by Dr Robert Rosell, Dr Maria Snell and Dr Richard Kennedy (21 Oct 2020) 

Dr Robert Rosell is the programme lead for freshwater fisheries research in AFBI. Robert provided an overview of how nutrient levels in water drive changes in the fauna inhabiting freshwaters, with a focus on fish in Northern Ireland Lakes.

Dr Maria Snell is a freshwater ecologist with expertise in biological responses to environmental change, particularly in river habitats. Her presentation explored how ecological studies from AFBI’s long term catchment monitoring programmes, particularly in the Upper Bann, can be used to explore changes in water quality.

Dr Richard Kennedy is a senior scientist based at AFBI’s River Bush Salmon Station. Richard's talk focused on the Dollaghan trout of Lough Neagh, which spawn in inflowing rivers and feed and grow in the lake, and are a key indicator species for the whole freshwater aquatic system.

A video of this webinar can be viewed below:

Webinar 1: "Soil to Catchment Management of Agricultural Nutrients" by Dr Donnacha Doody, Dr Suzanne Higgins and Dr Rachael Cassidy. (15 Oct 2020)

Dr Donnacha Doody is  programme lead for Catchment Science Research in AFBI. Donnacha will outline recent scientific evidence being used to inform the Nutrient Action Programme in Northern Ireland.

Dr Suzanne Higgins is a soil scientist in AFBI with expertise in soil fertility and nutrient management. Suzanne will discuss her research on refining farm and field scale nutrient management to optimise production, improve soil health and minimise nutrient losses to the environment.

Dr Rachel Cassidy will present recent work on soil mapping and modelling undertaken in AFBI.  Rachel will highlight the potential for this to inform strategies for nutrient management and targeted mitigation of agricultural inputs to water quality.

A recording of this event can be viewed below:

AFBI Science Outlook Webinar - The Future of Beef Production to 2030 (1 Oct 2020)

AFBI hosted the fourth of its well received Webinar series on Thursday 1 October 2020.  Speakers this time were Dr Steven Morrison, Dr Denise Lowe and Dr Francis Lively from AFBI's Livestock Research Branch.

A recording of the event can be viewed below:

Webinar - Carlingford Catchment Conservations (18 Sept 2020)

The final session focussed on "Knowing what works" with special guest Matthew Bushby, Mourne Heritage Trust.

The ALICE Project provides an opportunity to work out what will guide future collaboration and innovation in how the Carlingford catchment is managed. In this final session, attendees were invited to consider what information and know-how you need to play your part in the stewardship of Carlingford catchment.  Mourne Heritage Trust play a crucial role in conservation of the unique Mournes landscape that is so familiar to those in Carlingford catchment. Their recent work was highlighted and future priorities that will contribute towards securing a positive future for this iconic landscape.

Webinar - Carlingford Catchment Conservations (16 Sept 2020)

The second in a series of three webinars was held on Wednesday 16th September and focussed on "Working together more effectively" with special guest Mark Horton, Ballinderry Rivers Trust. Building on the first session, this session considered how land managers and those who care for the catchment work together more effectively to secure the natural environment everyone wants.

Ballinderry Rivers Trust outlined how to work effectively with local land managers to create a network of nature-based solutions. Atendees heard how this project succeeded in preventing extinction of the freshwater pearl mussel by improving the quality of their habitat.

Webinar - Carlingford Catchment Conversations (11 Sept 2020)

A series of interactive online workshops to explore how we can work together in the stewardship of Carlingford catchment was held in September 2020.

Series 1 was held on Friday 11th September and focussed on "Nature-Based Solutions - Where and Why" with special guest Professor Chris Spray, Eddleston Water Project (Tweed Forum & Dundee University). 

AFBI Science Outlook Webinar - Safeguarding NI's Natural Capita from Invasive Alien Species (2 July 2020)

AFBI will host the third of its well received Webinar series on Thursday 2nd July 2020.  Speakers this time will be Dr Colin Fleming and Dr Archie Murchie from Grassland & Plant Sciences Branch.

A recording of the webinar can be viewed below:

Websites which may be of interest to report sightings of diseased plants or invasive species are:

- Tree Check

- The CEDAR (NI records)

- National Biodiversity Data Centre (RoI records)

-I nvasive Species Ireland

AFBI Science Outlook Webinar 2 - The Future of Dairy Production to 2030 (18 June 2020)

AFBI hosted its second Webinar on Thursday 18th June 2020.  Speakers were Dr Conrad Ferris and Dr Debbie McConnell of Livestock Production Sciences Branch, AFBI Hillsborough.

A recording of the webinar can be viewed below:

AFBI Science Outlook Webinar 1 - Future Opportunities to Address Air Quality in NI (4 June 2020)

AFBI hosted a Webinar on Thursday 4th June 2020. Speakers were Dr Dario Fornara and Dr John McIlroy both AFBI.

A recording of the webinar can be viewed below:

Catchment Care Willow Seminar, Dundalk (5 March 2020)

“Exploring the Benefits of SRC Willow Planting for Water Quality Protection and Waste Water Management” Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk. AFBI, in partnership with Donegal County Council and the EU Catchment CARE project and in conjunction with Teagasc held a conference & workshop Exploring the Benefits of SRC Willow Planting for Water Quality Protection and Waste Water Management. 

Staff Science Day (27 Feb 2020)

183 AFBI staff attended the La Mon Hotel for the annual Staff Science Day

Schools Open Day (25 Feb 2020)

AFBI hosted 150 students from nine schools across Northern Ireland. The students all enjoyed a tour and information on the AFBI farm.

(13-23 Feb 2020) - NI Science Festival 

This event again included a series of sold out and very well received tours of the AFBI Research Vessel, Corystes over 3 days of the NI Science Festival.

(8 Jan 2020) - Omagh Open Day