Events archive 2019

On this page you can find information, videos and links relating to events which took place in 2019. they appear in reverse order, from the latest in the year to the earliest.

RUAS Winter Fair (12 Dec 2019)

The annual Dairy Winter Fair was held at the Eikon Exhibition Centre, with all aspects of AFBI research supporting the dairy industry in support.

The George Scott Robertson Memorial Lecture (6 Nov 2019)

The Annual lecture was held at Riddel Hall, Belfast delivered by former Waitrose supermarket MD Lord Mark Price.  His keynote address was entitled: "UK Food Systems - Adapting to Change". This lecture was hosted jointly by AFBI, IGFS QUB, UFU and DAERA.

Farming Life Awards (24 Oct 2019)

AFBI sponsored the category "Unsung Hero" at the Farming Life Awards held at La Mon House Hotel.  The winner of the award was Jon Dan O'Hare.

Launch of the Precision Grazing Platform (16-17 Oct 2019)

This event was held at AFBI Hillsborough to demonstrate how the new fully integrated and instrumented platform will help the UK livestock industry optimise the use of grassland in dairy and beef production systems.

Public lecture (4 Oct 2019)

A Lecture was held by AFBI's Rodrigo Olave in AFBI Hillsborough entitled "Climate Change in the South Atlantic UK Overseas Territories".

River to Lough Festival held at Toome (28 Sept 2019) 

AFBI Fisheries & Aquatic Ecosystems staff attended this event promoting the work of the freshwater fisheries team.

20th International Workshop on Campylobacter (CHRO19) (8-12 Sept 2019)

Professor Nicolae Corcionivoschi Head of AFBI Food Microbiology hosted the 20th International Workshop on Campylobacter (CHRO19) at various locations throughout Belfast.

Beef and Sheep finishing events (3 & 4 Sept 2019)

Organised by AFBI, CAFRE, AgriSearch and LMC, these events were a continuation of the research outreach programme direct to farmers. These were held in Swatragh and Hilltown Livestock Markets.

Calf rearing event (21 August 2019) 

This event was held in AFBI Hillsborough, with over 70 dairy farmer co-researchers attending.

Guild of Agricultural Journalists visit (27 June 2019) 

The GAJ visited the Hillsborough research to get an update on the latest strategic research direction being undetaken by AFBI as well as tours of the latest ongoing projects.

Arable Day (25 June 2019)

An Arable event featuring industry updates was held at AFBI Crossnacreevy.

A Lunchtime lecture (12 June 2019)

“Ecosystem Services and the Ecointensification of Shellfish Aquaculture” 

This guest lecture was delivered at AFBI Headquarters by Dr João Ferreira, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Sciences & Technology , New University of Lisbon - Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Bushmills Salmon & Whiskey Festival (1 June 2019)  

AFBI Bushmills opened its doors to visitors to demonstrate the work undertaken at the Salmon Station.

"Breeding for Performance" Roadshows (28 and 29 May)

Roadshows focusing on the latest livestock research were held at Ballymena and Clogher Livestock Markets organised by AFBI, AgriSearch, CAFRE and LMC. 

Balmoral Show (15 May - 18 May 2019) 

Northern Ireland's biggest agricultural and rural life event took place this year over 4 days at the Balmoral Park EIKON Exhibition Centre in Lisburn. AFBI was at the show promoting its science and how it benefits the NI agri-food industry.

NI Science Festival Tours of AFBI Research Vessel Corystes (16 Feb - 18 Feb 2019) 

The AFBI research vessel Corystes was docked in Belfast for three days and was fully booked throughout the festival with visitors including the Belfast Lord Mayor and wide range of members of the public who learnt all about the work and research AFBI carry out whilst at sea.

NI Science Festival Roadshows (16 Feb - 19 Feb 2019) 

AFBI again were fully involved in some super events during the festival including four roadshows held in Newry, Enniskillen, Dungannon and Ballymena.

Approximately 1500 children came through the doors over the four days of the roadshows with AFBI staff demonstrating some interesting scientific displays for scientists of the future.

The four days comprised of a Funky Chicken (food hygiene) display in Newry, an eels and freshwater display in Enniskillen, a flavour sensory display in Dungannon and finally AFBI vets showed those attending a "veterinary nasties" display in Ballymena.

All-Ireland Meat Science Conference (28 Feb - 1 March 2019) 

This Conference showcased the breadth of meat science research conducted on the island of ireland and facilitated discussion between scientists and industry.

The conference attracted 82 delegates with a balance of those attending from the meat industry and specific organisation from NI, ROI and GB.

AFBI Agricultural & Food Economics Seminar (1 Feb 2019) 

"Dynamics of Dairy Farm Productivity Growth".

This seminar by Dr Shingo Kimura from the OECD presented cross-country comparisons of productivity growth in the dairy farm sector in England, Estonia and the Netherlands.

These country comparisons show how different policy environments and farm structural characteristics lead to different dynamics driving productivity change.

Presentations from the Agriculture & Food Economics Seminar

Woody Plant Seminar (15 Jan 2019) 

AFBI held a seminar to discuss the future research needs of industries reliant on wood based plants in Northern Ireland. 

The AFBI led seminar, held in Armagh City Hotel featured presentations from experts representing AFBI, QUB, UU, Teagasc and UCD. The event attracted over 40 stakeholders from 18 different organisations representing farming, the environment, forestry, science organisations and policy makers.