
The role of the NRL is to ensure compatibility of results amongst UK Official Control Laboratories (OCLs). These are organisations identified under the EU Regulations listed below who perform analyses of milk and dairy products thus generating results that can be used by a competent authority for enforcement purposes. Another role of the NRL is to disseminate relevant information to OCLs received from the European Union Reference Laboratory (EU-RL) based at Maisons-Alfort in Paris. These roles will lead towards and cement fair trade in milk and dairy products amongst member states in the European Union (EU).
The NRL is also in an exemplary position to provide advice, as necessary on a confidential basis, on testing of milk and dairy products with the support of skilled and knowledgeable scientific staff.
Core Requirements
The UK-NRL for Milk and Milk Products is appointed by the FSA to carry out the following requirements and duties, as set out in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) 882/2004: Requirements for official control laboratories and designation and responsibilities of reference laboratories to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law and animal health welfare rules.
- collaborate with the Community Reference Laboratory in their area of competence;
- co-ordinate the activities of official laboratories responsible for the analysis of samples in accordance with Article 11;
- where appropriate, organise comparative tests between the official national laboratories and ensure an appropriate follow-up of such comparative testing;
- ensure the dissemination to the competent authority and official national laboratories of information that the Community Reference Laboratory supplies;
- provide to the competent authority scientific and technical assistance for the implementation of co-ordinated control plans adopted in accordance with Article 53;
- be responsible for carrying out other specific duties as agreed with the Competent Authority.
National Reference Laboratory Activities
Annual Reports:
- April 2016 - April 2017
- April 2015 - April 2016
- April 2014 - April 2015
- April 2013 - April 2014
- April 2012 - April 2013
- April 2011 - April 2012
- April 2010 - April 2011
Annual Reports 2014-2015 Appendices
European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for Milk and Milk Products Activities:
National Reference Laboratory Links:
Contact the Food microbiology group