Dairy herd

Milking facility

Individual intake monitoring
The dairy unit is fitted with 58 ‘controlled access feed boxes’, which allow intakes of up to approximately 170 individual cows to be monitored at any one time. The feed intake recording system is in the process of being updated. In addition, the young-stock house is fitted with a further 26 ‘controlled access feed boxes’, which can be used to record intakes and behaviour from weaning until heifers calve for the first time. Thus, the unit has the potential to record intakes of individual cows from birth through to adulthood. During the calf stage, milk and concentrate feeding can be conducted via an individual pen system, computerised feeders or group feeders.
Concentrate feeding
Dairy cow concentrates can be offered either in-parlour, via out-of-parlour feeding systems, or in the form of a Total Mixed Ration. Total mixed ration and out-of-parlour feeding solutions are also available within the youngstock accommodation.
Grazing platform
The dairy herd has access to a 51 ha grazing block, which can be set up to accommodate a range of grazing studies. In addition, a 35 ha block is available for dairy young stock grazing.