Project: Epidemiology and control of apple canker caused by Nectria galligena
Project Leader: Dr Alistair McCracken
To further investigate the relative roles of nursery infection of apple trees and the aerial spread of Nectria galligena and the effectiveness of a range of new and existing fungicides in controlling the key phases of the disease.
Journal Article
McCracken, A. R. , Berrie, A. M. , Barbara, D. J. , Locke, T. , Cooke, L. R. , Phelps, K. , Swinburne, T. R. , Brown, A. E. , Ellerker, B. , Langrell, S. R. H. (2003). Relative significance of nursery infections and orchard inoculum in the development and spread of apple canker (Nectria galligena) in young orchards. Plant Pathology, 52(5):553-566