- Physical measurements: pH and temperature, sarcomere lengths
- Rheological measurements: shear force and other stress tests, viscosity
- Lipids: Total fat and fatty acid composition
- Flavour: GC-MS and odour assessment of flavour volatiles; LC, GC, MS of flavour precursors and taste compounds
- Texture: Instron, texture analysis, sarcomeres
- Appearance and spectroscopy: Colour and colour matching cabinet, reflectance spectrophotometer, visible colour measurements, NIR, Raman.
- Prediction methods: NIR, Raman, MSA and others
- Supply chain: Effect of production and processing on eating quality
- Sensory and consumer panels: Trained panels (sensory profiling, detailed objective attributes), untrained lay panels (product liking and simple attributes), Consumer panels (n >100; product liking), quality assurance panels
- Sensory evaluation: BS and ISO methods, controlled lighting & ventilation, panels conducted at AFBI, home or away from base
- Statistical design evaluation: experimental design, statistics, multivariate analyses, preference mapping to relate consumer, trained panel and instrumental data