AFBI was the host institute for the European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP) which brought over 500 world renowned experts to Belfast’s Waterfront Hall at the start of September.
AFBI was privileged to be the host institute for this important conference, having capabilities built on a strong legacy of research into the pathology of diseases of fin fish and shell fish. Our dedicated Fish Diseases Unit at VSD carries out diagnostics in support of Atlantic salmon industries in Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Chile and Canada especially histopathology, serology and molecular diagnostics. AFBI's statutory work supports government and industry and the institute holds reference material for all 6 Salmonid alphavirus (SAV) strains.
AFBI also has significant research activity in freshwater, coastal and marine science. Areas of specialism include fisheries stock assessments, environmental monitoring, habitat assessments, and ecosystem modelling.
AFBI continues to build on existing research partnerships with other Institutes and Universities such as Queen’s University of Belfast, Marine Institute, Fish Vet Group, University of Chile and Marine Harvest Canada as part of wider programmes of work in the sector.