One of the threats to the health of arable crops is the transmission of viruses by aphids.
Virus incidence in arable crops has a significant bearing on the quality (and hence classification and profitability) of the crop.
Data from trapping systems are collected to monitor aphids and can be used to improve the forecasting of the risk of virus transmission.
Aphid Monitoring involves the provision of easy to access and up to date information on the monitoring of aphids in the United Kingdom via the internet.
Monitoring of aphids is carried out in two main areas:
1) Potato Aphids
2) Cereal Aphids
Integrated Pest Management
Increasing economic and environmental pressures have imposed further constraints on the use of crop protection chemicals, enhancing the need for a more rational approach to their use when growing arable crops. Consequently, it is important to have a better understanding of the risk factors that determine pest incidence and mitigate these where possible.
This more managed approach to pest control requires regular monitoring of pest populations to ensure the need for, and more precise timing of pesticide application. Monitoring and accurate identification of pests is an essential element of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which is a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools to minimise economic, health and environmental risks.
A guide to IPM is available on the DEARA website at: https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/integrated-pest-management