Colebrooke & Strule Soil Testing and Training Initiative

Free soil sampling and analysis service for farmers within selected sub-catchments of the Colebrooke and Strule catchments

The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), and their appointed agents, will deliver the Initiative on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).  The Initiative will sample and analyse up to a maximum of 10,000 fields on a first-come-first-served basis, limited by the available budget.

The Initiative will provide participating farmers with detailed information on their soils in order to apply lime and nutrients (i.e. P and K) in line with crop requirements.  By applying slurry, manure and chemical fertiliser nutrients as efficiently as possible, farmers can maximise crop yields, improve soil fertility and increase farm profitability, and simultaneously, reduce the risk of nutrient run-off to water-bodies.

Successful applicants will be:

  • Provided with a free soil sampling and analysis service, to include field sample collection by AFBI, or their appointed agents, and analysis performed by an accredited laboratory;
  • Provided with individual soil analysis results, together with advice on lime and nutrient applications, which will be sent to participating farmers;
  • Provided with training on nutrient management planning and interpretation of soil analysis results during the Initiative.


To be eligible:

  1. You must have a valid DAERA Business ID number
  2. Your land must be within the 10 selected sub-catchments of the Colebrooke and Strule catchments (the location of the sub catchments)
  3. You must provide all mandatory information requested on the registration form

Please read the explanatory booklet on the scheme

To apply, please complete the online registration form

How AFBI will handle your personal information

For details on how AFBI will handle your personal information, please   read the Privacy Notice for the Scheme.